Alien Autopsy

Ok not asking if you guys believe or any of that crap, but… my friend sent me a video of what is supposed to be an alien autopsy of Roswell(not sure if thats how u spell it). looked real as f@ck but I’m not much one for an open mind. Has anyone seen the vid? It was like 20 minutes in black and white

they had a big TV special about it a couple of years ago. They had people set out on trying to debunk it and others giving proof to its validity… I think eventually the people who did it came forward and said it was a fake though.

Rings a bell, Sen. Definitely remember it being dismissed by the people responsible.

Well done them - had quite a lot of people fooled!

I see, i figured it was fake, just not sure who would actually spend all that time in creating it .

if I remember, it was some big shot in hollywood… or not even a big shot, but some movie-type person guy or someone in that position with the time and resources to pull it off. Their coming forward about it would then later help their credibility as producers or whathaveyou.

yeah it was fake, I think it was a cool fake tho.
Once they showed a physiological resemblence in the organs I figured it was
BTW Big foot footage was fake too.
and Rule out the Loch ness Monster fotos.
And every single frame of UFO video ever seen.
But I believe in other forms of life out there…Santa, Tooth Fairy,Gremlins( like in Bugs Bunny cartoons) not too mention Bugs Bunny.

If you’ve seen Signs with Mel Gibson, Thats probably a more likely scenario.
a few hundred spaceships show up and ravage our planet, use us as slaves
until someone accidently spills a glass of water on em.Then we’d have the upper hand.

I am a believer…for real

Were can you download this movie ?

voets i can fxp it to you if you’d like

just pm me login info

It was fake - what through everyone off, is that it was filmed on antique film.


it was sooooooooooooooo cool.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I think its fake too, but what if the people who claimed they made it were government agents pretending that the created it, when it was actually leaked by a us gov. traitor?

I dunno, just a thought. But ya, I still think its fake.

thats a thought coppertop. :smiley: sounds like something the govnt would do.
although they are kinda sneaky

maybe it was real, but then they said it was real so that ppl would get all hyped up and then experts would ahve cause to pick it apart and discredit it. reverse psychology style. :smiley:

(see! I can be a jenius too! insert extra wide grin here)


Coppertop sounds like a Philbert in training… :wink:

A what-bert? I’m familiar with ratbert, catbert, dilbert (and my favourite) DOGBERT!


you know Phil (here at the forum) right? i call him philbert.

AH ok.


its fake duh. Fox always has gimmicky shows just for raiting, just like the OMG WE DIDNT LAND ON THE MOON special. psh

Ya, thats a load of bull. Of course we landed on the bloody moon.