
Ok folks, This is going to be a clean, college level discussion. Please do not start a flame war, i want to keep this a clean and good discussion. If you do cause trouble, i will contact a mod to remove your post from this thread. This is the same reason the other thread got deleted from here a while ago. Here it goes, remember, do not make fun of or , put people down because of their beliefs, or any other things that you wouldn’t do in the forum. </B>


The question is “Do you believe in ghosts”

My answer to the question is Yes. And here is my reasons.

I believe that there are ghosts learking in my house, I get a funny feeling when ever i go into my basement. Some times i hear things fall, even though the windows are closed, and the animals are in the living room sleeping. This has brought me to the conclusion that there is a good possibility that they could really exist. I get the feeling of something following me up the stairs every time i go down there.

The other night, the light shut off for about 35 min, then it started flickering and eventually turned back on. Another time, i was at my friends house doing a séance, and the candle went out, and then 10 seconds later, it lit back up by its self.

Another time, i was at my friends house, and we decided to go searching for something down stairs. when we opened the door, it was freezing in the bacement,(it was in the middle of summer)!!. there where no fans or AC on at the time, No windows where open either.

Another time, i was at my friends house, and we put the cat in the closet where his weiji board used to be, and the cat went off the wall, it started flipping out. And ran out of the room.

So, i think i have been rambling on for enough time. Post what you beleve. But remember, please keep this a clean, and fun discussion.


[EDIT] I did revice an Ok to post this again from Kirupa[/EDIT]

Everything you said can be scientifically explained. I don’t think there are any ghosts.

I agree Nali…

If there were ghosts/aliens from outerspace, don’t you think that there would be some sort of proof by now, what with everyone running around with camcorders, digital cameras, etc?

If you are concerned about your basement, set up your webcam down there, and record the happenings…

ghosts… pfft…


Thats a good idea.

What about area 51? do you think that they are hiding something there and keeping it from the public, so it wouldnt cause a big panic and to stop people from going crazy?

i think that right now the government has too much to worry about with the middle east than to worry about aliens attacking the earth.

No, Area 51 and the alien stuff was made up by the CIA. During Cold War, they started the rumors about the crash in roswell in whatever year so that people would think there were aliens in there and not the U2 spy plane.

boy, it’d be cool to make up something that over the years turned into a phenomenom or public interest.:stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, because my wife, brother, and sister all saw the same ghost in the same house, completely unbeknownst to each other.


When my wife and I first got married, we had no money, so we had to move to Arkansas and live with my mother. We stayed in what used to be my little sisters bedroom.

One night, my wife saw a little boy - who was not my brother, standing at the foot of our bed holding a blanket. He was just staring at her. He said nothing, he did nothing, he simply stood and stared.

The next day, we were telling my mom about it, only to find out that many strange things had gone on in the house. My mother would be woken up by banging and slamming of kitchen cabinets. Perturbed at my brother and sister for making so much noise, she’d get up, stroll into the kitchen, and find all of the cabinets open. My brother and sister sound asleep in their beds. This happened multiple times.

Later that same day, my brother and sister told us that they had both seen the same little boy standing in the living room. My brother was asleep on the couch, my sister on the love seat. Standing in the archway which entered into the dining room/kitchen, stood a small figure with a blanket. The next day, my sister asked my brother why he was standing in the doorway with that blanket. My brother freaked out, saying was wondering what she was doing standing in the doorway with a blanket.

You have to understand a couple of things: My mom’s a very pious Christian. She simply doesn’t lie, and ghost stories don’t gel with her world view. As much as I love my brother and sister, they were too young (10 and 11) at the time, and much too unintelligent to make such a story up. They simply didn’t have the capacity to lie about this sort of thing, it was beyond their understanding of the world. My wife was simply too freaked out by the whole situation, and in the 8 years we’ve been married she’s never been able to fool me, trick me, or play any practical jokes of any sort on me. She’s not good at that sort of thing, and doesn’t even think that way.

I’ve personally never seen a ghost, and I don’t want to. I’ve experienced the same strange phenomenon that many have - doors opening, tvs changing channels/turning off, noises that have no apparent cause.

I can’t explain them. I don’t know if they are ghosts, demons, or beings simply in a parallel dimension. All I can tell you is something is there, and far too much evidence has been shown in photography, testimonials, and video to simply categorically deny the possibility.

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I agree Nali…

If there were ghosts/aliens from outerspace, don’t you think that there would be some sort of proof by now, what with everyone running around with camcorders, digital cameras, etc?**

There is proof. All you need to is look for it, and it’s readily available. - too freaky

What’s fake? What’s real? None of us really know (-:


I believe.

I mean, this universe is soooo huge. And the reason for life on earth is that it was not too far from the sun, not too close.
And look at your window a night, and see all those stars. Those are all suns. With all of them planets around it. So the chance that there is a planet like earth somewhere out there is huge. So the chance for alien life forms is huge too.

All those images took from aliens or alien space ships are extremely fake. Who sais that aliens can’t be as big as frogs, why do they always have to have those scary big eyes and weird heads ? Why do people think aliens are always hostile ? They’re probably as afraid from us as we are from them. They can be friendly as well.

I’m not really sure if I believe in ghosts because I have never experienced anything out of the ordinary that might be related to a ghost or ghosts. Apparently though my mum’s cousin who is only 13 at the moment and an orphan (my cousin, once removed or second cousin?) has had premonitions about things happening, hearing her parents’ voices maybe even seeing her parents. I’m not too sure because I’ve never really talked to her about it.

Alex, when you experienced that thing when you went up the stairs feeling that someone or something was following you, I believe probably almost everyone experiences that. It probably comes from growing up and thinking that some monster or something is hiding in the dark so whenever you turn your back on the dark, you may feel that fear (?) or adrenaline (?) that makes you want to hurry up those stairs!! I hope I explained that ok and I hope people can understand what I am saying.

With the alien issue, personally I’d love an intelligent species to come pick me up and teach me about their world or the universe. As mentioned by bleutuna though, alot of the stories you read sound so amazing that you don’t know if it is true or not. The US government HAS to be hiding something in Area 51 and here in Australia in Pine Gap (near Alice Springs in central Australia) they have a base like Area 51 I think. The whole human race deserves to know the truth. I hope NASA finds signs of life on Mars and tells the world. That will be the end of this question. Then we’ll start wondering about other questions.

Ahhh longest post written by me since I’ve been here I think.

Come and get me my intelligent buddies :slight_smile: please :wink:


Outer space aliens… offcorse they existed…

has any come to earth… I dont think so… most of the links above go to some dodgy sites I wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole, that include blured… thigtly corped photographs…

I find that strange things do happen, but I am not completle convinved they are ghosts… I dunno…

*Why do we need to mention there should be no flame war starting? Its part of the rules, and people should apoligize for what they write, if it needs to be a apologized for, dont write it , or find a way to write it in a respectful manner. Plus, who is going to start a flame war about aliens and ghosts? Unless it involves Palestine UFO’s and Israel ghosts… jk! *

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
Outer space aliens… offcorse they existed…
I find that strange things do happen, but I am not completle convinved they are ghosts… I dunno…

Yeah, that’s kinda my opinion of this as well. I’ve heard people speak quite convincingly about such paranormal events that I am not going to rule out the possibility though. There are so many things in this world that need explaining, and I think part of the problem is that people don’t want to believe in the existence of something that is beyond their control - cannot be caught in a giant butterfly net and sold over ebay :slight_smile:

Many religions make mention to the existence of ghosts, and something that is tied so far back to our human culture cannot be ruled out as made-up. As for Area 51, I think there could be a top-secret military base out in the desert. I was watching a TV show on the Discovery Channel where the employees of that base have to be flown into that base every morning and evening for fear of the employees locating where it is. It could have been another military base though that is not classified, but I am sure propaganda to fool USSR is very likely.

As for UFOs, I am going to guess that they were early B2 Stealth Bomber prototypes or some military technology used previously that we haven’t seen yet. The Bermuda Triangle - something magnetic in the Earth’s atmosphere or water that causes these strange happenings. Of course, I have no proof whatsoever besides what I saw on TV…(Kirupa runs and hugs the TV).

RB, the reason Alex made it a point to mention that is because a while ago (maybe before the era of RB on the forums) this VERY thread turned into a good flamewar with all the trimmings - the cursing, the crazy pictures, the mocking, screaming, bashing of religious preferences, etc. If you search the forum for ghosts, you will see quite a few references to that thread, and a long post-flamewar analysis of why and what happened. I think Guig0 makes a mention of it, I deleted the wrong thread…so many cool memories :slight_smile:

Kirupa :asian:

Oh yeah, I remeber that… good times… :sigh:

There was no pre-RB era on the Ordered forum! :sure:
I was all over the Ordered forum, like poop on velcro!

Hey Kirupa, I don’t think the location of Area 51 is that top secret.

Here is another useless plug for my favourite band but all is good :beam: A friend of the band Tool writes a monthly newsletter and last or this month happened to be about a recent visit to Area 51. So if you want to know where it is, email him and he might let you know :wink:

If you are interested, Link:

Click the left side of the brain to enter.
Up the top in red it should say Newsletter, click that.
And it’s the May 2003 one if it doesn’t show by default.


*Originally posted by bleutuna *
**There is proof. All you need to is look for it, and it’s readily available. - too freaky

What’s fake? What’s real? None of us really know (-:

:pope: **

then the alien autopsy is real too? Amazing how no one has a clear video, or clear image of a ghost or alien… Amazing how no one of a Reliable Scientific Status has found anything, even though they have done a ton of research…

Sorry, your links aren’t proof.

you give the same arguments religeous zealots do for their “proof.”


Rev, what’s with the hostility?

If you go back and read the post you quoted, the last sentence pretty much sums it all up.

Afterall, what’s the scientific status on rods? I don’t think there is one, is there? I haven’t seen any scientific source make any commentary or ruling on the entities, yet their existance is clearly a fact.


There is proof. All you need to is look for it, and it’s readily available.

this is the remark I was challenging…

no hositility, just saying that you’re statement above is the same as saying there is proof there is a God, just read the Bible…

that is all.

there is no scientific proof that ghosts do exist. That was my point.


maybe the aliens really did come once or twoce and got so disgusted with the human race that they vowed to never comeback.

anybody think of that? :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t say there weren’t aliens.

I just said that there is no proof. Also, if they are visiting, why can no one get a clear photo, especially with all of these autofocus cameras…

It’s the ghost thing I say is non-existant… JMO tho.
