Ok folks, This is going to be a clean, college level discussion. Please do not start a flame war, i want to keep this a clean and good discussion. If you do cause trouble, i will contact a mod to remove your post from this thread. This is the same reason the other thread got deleted from here a while ago. Here it goes, remember, do not make fun of or , put people down because of their beliefs, or any other things that you wouldn’t do in the forum. </B>
The question is “Do you believe in ghosts”
My answer to the question is Yes. And here is my reasons.
I believe that there are ghosts learking in my house, I get a funny feeling when ever i go into my basement. Some times i hear things fall, even though the windows are closed, and the animals are in the living room sleeping. This has brought me to the conclusion that there is a good possibility that they could really exist. I get the feeling of something following me up the stairs every time i go down there.
The other night, the light shut off for about 35 min, then it started flickering and eventually turned back on. Another time, i was at my friends house doing a séance, and the candle went out, and then 10 seconds later, it lit back up by its self.
Another time, i was at my friends house, and we decided to go searching for something down stairs. when we opened the door, it was freezing in the bacement,(it was in the middle of summer)!!. there where no fans or AC on at the time, No windows where open either.
Another time, i was at my friends house, and we put the cat in the closet where his weiji board used to be, and the cat went off the wall, it started flipping out. And ran out of the room.
So, i think i have been rambling on for enough time. Post what you beleve. But remember, please keep this a clean, and fun discussion.
[EDIT] I did revice an Ok to post this again from Kirupa[/EDIT]