The Most Bizarre yet REAL eBay Auctions!

Ahaha, hilarious. Reminds me of a Swedish site called bestofblocket (blocket is the a bit like eBay, just Swedish.).

EDIT: Googled a little bit and found this:

Tattoo Advertise on Undefeated Boxers Chest, Neck and Arms:

Lol no wonder hes undefeated he lives in alaska, cool, he defeated all 18 boxers in all of alaska

[quote=nick P;2352491]

it was on ebay but got removed, id like to see that topped[/quote]

Yeppers, that takes the cake. Especially because the bride looks like a trannie.

Dave is so goofy

:lol: I know what you said about grim :run:


You think we wouldn’t notice,canadian and I are here to call you out


right now spammer can even participate to the forum without being kicked out…may be we should change the name of this thread to INTELLIGENT SPAMMING or DISCRETE SPAMMING…
btwy where are those mods?

He’s not spamming, he’s just goofy.