This is when you know you’re gotten too big for your britches…
if you had one of her chewing gums you could create an evil clone of her.
(but who would want that)
daily hint directed to my groupies:[size=1]
buy only chewing gum I sell you directly. Other people selling my chewing gum are probably cheaters since I won’t throw away any further chewing gum now that I know I can sell them[/size]
Lol, the sad thing is people actually buy this stuff, or in this case, bid for this stuff.
Next thing billy bussey will sell, copies of New Master of Flash with a chewed piece of gum smudged on!
I bet the person who ends up buying it will end up chewing it
other people will sell billey bussy chewing gum - not billy bussey himself.
people are just jealous. Don’t chew up BB or BS because they are abled to make people pay too much and feel good.
Daily hint directed to my groupies:
[size=1]if no McGiver fan-shrine is near, worship Kirupa or BB.[/size]
thats the stupidest thing I ever heard!
Theres only one word to describe people who buy that ****: ridiculous
Well duh, if you chew the gum, it’s like you’ve made out with her.
Lol, that’s insane
there’s some other people on ebay selling gum that they personally chewed, saying “why spend a fortune on other people’s used gum when you can get the best deal right here!” selling each wad for $.01 :lol:
some people have too much time…
I wonder how much you could get for used bus tickets
Whahahahahah lol
Wow why buy chewing gum ?
u cant even use it?
if that will somehow make britney see how deep my feeling for her is… ill buy it lol
sorry to say this but…no…Im not sorry, people who actually think in buying that have zero brain!
:lol: What the heck is wrong with people?