i’ve seen now 3 episodes of it and its utter crap. im not racist at all but you cant have a big fat black man attempt to be scary and host this show, it doesnt work. the stories are alright but not nearly what they were back in the day in black and white with rod sterling.
I like the show…
Last nights was pretty laim but there have been a few pretty good ones.
The old ones were better though.
but do you really think that the host works with it?
I didnt even know it was back? who is the host? Please tell me it’s not colour… that would take half the effect away from it right there. I can remember my buddy got the entire collection through Time or something (well his parents did) and I used to stay over and watch them… some would scare the hell outta me!
I still think my favorite is when a woman is home alone and aliens come to her house and come through the roof. She freaks out and kills them all with a knife… but at the end they do a close up of the ship that she destorys and it has the american flag on it… that freaked me out
The host is Forest Whitiker I think…
He is about as scary as a stillborn kitten, but I like some of the plots
i love that episode, saw it a few days ago on sci fi, they have old episodes on alot.
the new host is this guy
and yeah, its in color :*(
yeah, the plots aren’t bad, i dont think they’re as good as the old ones, but they’re better than some other crap i’ve seen on beyond belief
As scary as a stillborn Kitten - that is darn funny hahaha
HoJo - that episode is great eh I love it… still scares me!
Did you see the one with the gambling guys - who rolls the dice perfect everytime… that one is great to!
i like that one too. another favorite of mine is when this ladys at a train station waiting for her train to come and theres another one of her walking around doing things without her knowing, turns out she’s from another dimension or something.
the best man for this job would be James Earl Jones, he has the coolest scaring voice ever!
darth vaider and resident evil are one of them :hair:
he looks happy
hahah he would be good…
but he can be scary…very scary :hair:
yeah, you’re right phil, about all of it, specially about outer limits