Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
They brought this show back on Saturday Morning Cartoons…has anyone seen it? I was like and still am a die-hard turtles fan…
does it live up to its legacy?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
They brought this show back on Saturday Morning Cartoons…has anyone seen it? I was like and still am a die-hard turtles fan…
does it live up to its legacy?
It’s pretty good. I like it. The original theme song still prevails from this one, but it’s good. The voices are a bit off, but you can’t really expect everything to be the way it used to be, or else they might as well syndicate the old episodes, which I won’t mind, at all.
i don’t like this, they brought back He-Man and also Transformers and both those shows suck!!! TMNT better not suck or i will go beserk on their candy @$$es
btw…what channel is it on…? cartoon network?
i wish they would bring back the spiderman show…it was amazing…but then they had to go and make spiderman unlimited which was a complete rip of batman beyond!!! but the spiderman show was amazing…i’m not talking about the old old one but the more recent one, where MJ was lost in the vortex due to GG and etc etc
sorry but as long as they make TMNT cartoons for kids they will suck. The origional comic was gritty, bloody, and very realistic (in fact the realism offset by the obsurdity of the characters was one of the only redeaming qualities of the idea in the first place)
The new Heman still sucks, but you’ve got to admit, compared to the old cartoon it rocks.
In general though… at 32 it takes a lot more than kiddy cuddly plot lines to draw my interest. Most of them are just stupid.
Come on david, so you don’t like Sponge Bob Square Pants, Oswald, or Blues Clues? I don’t know what I’d do without these cartoons (probably the exact same thing I do now).
If I had my way I would go back in time and kill dead the producers of Spongbob, barney… a few others as well. I do in fact look at most of these shows as a detriment to the average intelligence of the American populous.
ok… maybe not kill. I’m a budhist after all. Maybe just beat them with a big stick, or ruin them so that they don’t have the cash to produce these shows.
The fact that teenagers like Spongbob REALLY suprises me. How can anyone find that entertaining in any way? It’s DUMB
kill barney? you wouldn’t dare DAM!!!
kill pikachu? no way oh
not ET you wouldnt sink that low …nooooo NOT ET!!!
payback for years of experimentation of human and countless anal probes
lets out blood curdling scream
regains composure
hey david…did i tell you how rather scrumptilous you are looking lately??? i feel like eating you…your meat even looks fresh…
freshh meeatt…yesssss
ok Mak… you’re starting to scare me. And I don’t scare easily.
Pokemon, though rather dull most of the time, and composed of some of the poorer cartooning that I’ve seen is not even in the same poor *** league with Spongbob. I would not beat the makers of that one with a stick. At least it’s got some creativity.
ET? Where did that one come from. It may be a bit of a mushy story as they go, but it is a professional movie with a good plot, good direction and special effects, and it had one of my favorite lovelies in it, Drew Barrymoore. I’d never have even THOUGHT of beating George Lucas with a stick.
*Originally posted by david *
**ok Mak… you’re starting to scare me. And I don’t scare easily.
yesss, for i feeed off your feear, feear me as you fear deatth …yessss for i shall eat you whilst you remain among the living, for i Am MAKAVELI Dark Lord of MOrder
(ok last part ruined everything but i just HAD to say it…)
yummy you are yesss my preciousss
i will roast you over a buring fire, because through experience i have learned you can’t cook men in a microwave…they seeem to…combust shalll we say for lack of a better term
*Originally posted by david *
**The fact that teenagers like Spongbob REALLY suprises me. How can anyone find that entertaining in any way? It’s DUMB **
I like spongbob But I like it because its dumb, it makes me laugh because of that. So many things about it make no sense, and I chuckle at that.
I’ve found dumb things funny because of how dumb they are as well, but that humor hardly lasts. Within a few episodes I’m usually done finding it humorous.
Mak… I don’t fear death at all. You’d starve if that was the fear you were feeding off of. :P… yeah I know… no one believes that I have no fear of death… but you know once you realize just a couple of the secrets of the Universe, then death holds very little fear for you. Fearing death is as usful to your existance as fearing breathing.
most people are not practicing bhudists dav…they fear death! and i shall feed off them if not you…for all men wish to be like the Eldar, unchanging undying…it is with this thought I shall corrupt the hearts of men…
(too much LOTR and other Tolkien Books) wish i were a dark lord…
i enjoy learning about world religions… are these your beliefs?
no… that’s really just one line of budhist thinking. Budhism’s main principal is to think for one’s self… so the idea of following someone else’s path seems very antithetical to the nature of the philosophy.
then again, I’m one of the few people (besides real budhists) who bother to make the distinction that budhism is NOT a religion. It is a philisophical practice in one’s life… but it has nothing to do with any God. The nature of the philosophy is one though which works well in conjuntion with pretty much any religion as long as you don’t take that religion literaly.
i’ve always been led to believe that bhudists were monks of great power…they are ninjas and samurias of the greatest order, breaking steal and concrete at WILL (too many movies)
can YOU break concrete with bear hands?? well can you???
That’s not Budhism that’s Shoalin Martial arts. Shoalin monks are also schooled in Budhism I believe, as it is neccessary to think for one’s self before you can become a master of any martial art.
oh and I can break concrete with my bear hands and a sledge. Does that count?
no it doesn’t… :whistle:
have i got a surprise for you…your FAV show of ALL time…YOU must be over joyed
Unleash the tubbies!!!
yeah… the producers of that show would most certainly be on my “to beat” list.
btw if anyone thinks I’m cruel having a “to beat” list, keep in mind that my mother has (literaly) a “to bite” list. It’s a list of people that she would bite if she ever contracted rabbies.
i think its my turn to be scared
:whistle: :whistle:
<-------EAT ME IT SAYS!!! CAN"T YOU HEAR IT?? IT cries to be EATEN
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