The Official Unofficial Smiley Thread

heh, i’ll get back to you on that one

What… wait a minute… Eilsoe…failed?!

falls over

gets back up

reads thread again

falls back over

  • Soul :s:

hey soul, maybe you can do a confused one, im havin a problem thinking of what would make him look confused



I don’t think you can get more stressed than this smilie:



what program are you guys using to make theese smilies?

ms paint here, i’ve heard people say they use photoshop but i dont see how. i guess pencil tool…

i use Photoshop zoomed in with pen tool

Photoshop zoomed in with the pencil tool :beam:

playamarz ~ :player:

lol, i counted 6 that time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, Supree has quite a knack for making evil dictator smileys…Why hasn’t he pixilated Phil? :stuck_out_tongue:

The winner of the most evil and ugly smiley on Kirupa Forums goes to (drum roll)…:sketchy:!!!

-Data :sketchy:

That’s kinda good and bad. It’s good because people are taking a look at the smilies. It is bad because, there is a strong chance they are using these smilies without permission on their sites/forums on some remote corner of the internet.

:slight_smile: :frowning:


tsup with digging up old threads ???

yeah?!?!?! that’s my job :beam:

Wow, I was expecting new smilies and ended up listening to stories bout people getting drunk/high and hurting themselves. wtf? That’s some segway.

To get this set back towards smileys, I made a smiley Hope you like, its at the end of my tut on the main site.

I made my first smiley! Its a pinocchio, like… :liar: or something. lol XD I think it’s original.

The picture looks nice :slight_smile:

:liar: : liar :