who you calling a :liar: ?
who you calling a :liar: ?
I made another one
hope it’s good enough
its a cute smilie
Haha, nice, I’ve been trying to make an evil eye one but its too hard for meh
I made a male and a female one for me and my girlfriend but I’m not quite sure whether they fit in here concerning quality and sice … :-/
Yeah - they are a bit too large for the forums, firegambler. M64 - I don’t know, the smiley doesn’t seem to look cute enough It looks almost evil.
Hi people I have 50 new smiles.
hope they are choosen!
<-- :lol:
Why was my first thought Seb when I saw that smilie?
haha lol
so are the smiles ok?
the smilies have to fit kirupas current style.
chrisjones did you make those? or get them from somewhere?
and forq is right, you have to take the standard kirupa smiley ( ) and modify it for it to be added.
Yea… just convert thouse to regular smiley and they will be great…
[whisper]this is why dragon never got added [/whisper]
i wonder if chris really made all 50 of those, he doesnt seem like he would have the patience to
lol… we cant critisize his character for that one site sparky… wow would that be really embarrasing if we found out he didnt make them.
Well I’m not trying to be harsh or anything but I doubt it, they look a little to “stock” for him, and we know about the incident in the past- but I don’t want to make anyone feel bad- it’s just that I know I have seen these somewhere before
Well let’s not make any assumptions here ok?
They look familiar to me also, but many smilies out there look alike, I’m sure he has some sort of proof they’re his creations
I’m not making assumptions, just wary
Ok i have read your comments and they dont fit ok. They seem to be the simmilar to other smiles because their all look alikes… And i made all 49 exept the electrucution one my friend made that. and you dont know me well enough to say im “unpatient” i can be when i want to be lol i will make some other smiles to fit kirupas style.
Ok smily one in kirupa style!
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