I would love to have a structured debate! Maybe we could have, for example, 8 participants in a single elimination debate tournament. There could also be a judging panel. That panel would come up with random topics for each round
eh, though i like the idea, debates may turn ugly in the end.
eh, though i like the idea, debates may turn ugly in the end.
They will only turn ugly if we debate about things we REALLY care about. I was thinking more like random, sometimes silly debates that are supported by real evidence. Two example topics:
Which is better: Chicken or Turkey
Better cars: German or Italian
naw, that’s not the purpose of the Ordered forum. quarrel like that in random.
*Originally posted by sushis *
**They will only turn ugly if we debate about things we REALLY care about. I was thinking more like random, sometimes silly debates that are supported by real evidence. Two example topics:
Which is better: Chicken or Turkey
Better cars: German or Italian **
Umm, those questions are based on opinions and cannot be supported by evidence
Plus what Thor said.
the answer is clearly chicken
Neither Meat sucks
- Soul :s:
*Originally posted by Soul *
Neithersucks meat
- Soul :s:
mwuaahaha! ph34r my l33t editing skillz0r! :beam:
of course debates will turn ugly. that’s why they’re debates. jeez. people are so afraid of disagreeing here, it’s sickening sometimes.
chicken! CHICKEN! :bad:
Most of the debates here are quite good, and they only have the usual 3 or 4 participants =) I’ve never done a structured debate, and it depends a lot on the topic - upuaut, if he is interested, may be willing to judge.
Many debate-able(?) topics can be found in Ordered - do a search and you may find something that interests you, and you can resuscitate that thread back to life by replying to it. For the usual, non-controversial topics, use Random. Ordered is primarily for those touchy issues that involve some thought or reason. Topics in Ordered stay alive and visible without being boggled in Random’s…Randomness :thumb:
Kirupa :ub:
…i’m moving this thread to random, it’s getting ugly.
Yep - good move there thor; mails Thor a “Kirupian Galactic Medal of Honor.” It has the one eyed alien from Commander Keen on one side…and a collector’s stamp of approval on the other.
On the ugly debate, I am going to agree with Jonathan Swift (haha, look how he spelled Jo’h’nathan):
"I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled …”
You can read the full thing here: Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal
EDIT: I am just kidding; I do not condone the eating of people…or Asian children…which are also people, but smaller and bite-size
Kirupa :beam:
Why does everyone think that a debate has to get ugly. That’s called an arguement in my book. A debate is a structured conversation graded on persuasiveness of arguements and proofs. You start name calling in something like that and you lose. It doesn’t matter if you’re arguing that the earth revolves around the sun.
Of course… that’s me as a judge. I’d love to have a panel of three of us as judges. I assume that we would pick a number of topics, as judges, and then ask the two participants to argue one side or the other. Though I guess if the participants want to come up with their own topics that’s ok too. It’s all do-able. The only problem with that is, this is where arguements develope. In a typical school debate, it helps to be passionate about a subject sometimes, other times it can be a hinderance. It is when we choose what we wish to debate, that we often choose our most passionate subjects. This inevitably leads to a rise in blood preasure. I will however, leave that choice up to the combatants.
I’m game for judging such a competition, but keep in mind. Most of you know my reputation. I’m no easy judge of anything “true”.
upuaut, insomniac is a great show(looking at your footer)
:)… I never miss an episode.