The two or three thieves, wearing black masks, threatened an employee of the Munch Museum with a handgun before grabbing the paintings
what ever happened to the robbing of a museum at night, using glasscutters to cut the glass in the cieling and dangling from the roof with cable wires while avoiding the infrared laser beams?!
Somehow I’ve always pictured the robbing of a priceless piece of art that way … or maybe I’ve just been watching too many movies
what if after you read this you get a knock on your door. and one of yer friends saying "ahhaha yer not ganna belive what i got for 300 bucks. what whould you do LOL
they will probably just demand a ransom and not get it. Like the idots that stole this painting before. Funny thing is the museum had those things “ghetto rigged” to the wall. With just wire and and a small nail. So anyone could have yanked them off. Seems like they would have secured them more tightly to the wall. Imagine if they ran in with their guns and masks and could not get them off the wall…they would have been like “OOPS, sorry folks, nevermind us we are just going to turn around and run out now…sorry for the scare…carry on”. Now that would have been comedy.