The Truth about ETS/SHS

I was sitting here thinking about how I’ve never actually seen any medical info that actually says Second Hand Smoke/Environmental Tobacco Smoke kills all of these people each year, and how they came up with those numbers.

I mean, I worked in restaurants for years, worked with people who didn’t smoke, but had worked as a bartender, with smokers for 15-20-40 years, none of which had cancer. As a matter of fact, the people I have known who have died from cancer/are survivors, have not had anything whatsoever to do with tobacco (skin/breast/pacreatic/stomach, etc)…

so I went looking on the web for the studies. I figured there must be tons, since I keep hearing about how 50,000 people will die from 2nd hand smoke by the year 2006. I could not find any.

It seems they are all based (politically, I might add) on a 1993 EPA study which was released before it was finished, and was thrown out by the Supreme Court in 1995 as flawed.

I also figured years ago, when SF passed this stoopid law, that when it happened in NYC, they wouldn’t put up with it.

Sure enough:

is out to reverse the law in NY.

He lays out the facts very well. I encourage all of you to take a look at the facts, not the hype everyone sees on TV.

I don’t smoke, but I do feel that this is a sham, and is causing upstanding businesses to lose money. All because of political motives, not because of public health issues.

It certainly is not because of popular demand. If that were the case, Las Vegas would be smoke free. It is the world’s largest bar afterall.
