The village

Reviews loved Titanic.

I rest my case. :wink:


Some critics get carried away and advise movies they love because of new directing techniques and editing and that sort of thing, technical stuff we donā€™t really care about. Every year they ask critics the greatest movie of all time and what finishes first every timeā€¦Citizen Kane.

Not a bad movie, but not the greatest either. Kind of boring in fact.

Still the movie sucks anyone else seen this or ya left me be the only kirupian to see this godforsaken movie bloody hell

I will back my fellow Kirupian with the wild footer.

This movie licks bags. All the hype and the previews had me believing I will see the movie of the summer. Itā€™s crap, there are no mind-blowing special effects, no great original ideas, nothing. A bunch of great names will get affiliated with this garbage. Maybe if you rent it on DVD it will not seem as a letdown. But for $9.00 a person, I say itā€™s crap. I am not a movie critic, but I earn my money and when it is spent on movie, which doesnā€™t amuse, amaze or at least stimulate me, I get pissed.
As great as the sixth sense was, and as much hype as this movie got, it is very poor. I hope you will save your money and watch Manchurian Candidate instead, at least Denzel Washington can pull off the PTSD look.

I saw it. And, well, I thought it was alright.

Like all Shyamalan movies it has a twist that could not be predicted, at least not by me.

Overall, I gave it [COLOR=Gray]*[/COLOR] :wink:

Cā€™mon people, donā€™t be so gullibleā€¦ go and check it out for yourself.

reviewers dont know ****!

the movie should have came with a Money Back Guarantee. The only attention grabbing detail was to figure out where Shyamalan was going to appear.

I only participate and read reviews just so I can see what other people think of it. Iā€™ll still see it, I just like to see peopleā€™s reactions!

Thereā€™s been movies that were easily 10 times worse. I think you just had your expectations set a little too high.

I didnā€™t like american pie, and when I saw the previews for this movie I thought it looked like as******s and Iā€™m going to avoid it, as you said, like the plague. I canā€™t stand M. Night Shamalan. Or whatever the hell his name is.

edit: and I didnā€™t like american pie 2 either. they were some of the most boring movies I know

and amercan pie is related to the village in what way?? or any of the indian guys moviesā€¦

//offtopicā€¦im not up with the current slangā€¦so what does IMHO mean?

I never thought this movie was going to be a smash hit. In the trailer, when the lady totally exagerrates her whisper by saying donā€™t let them in. Souned uber-cheesy.

IMHO - In my Honest Opnion

thought it was In My Humble Opinion. Hm I like honest better. Actually I like IMO. But thats just opinion.

And american pie was talked about earlier, that critics hated it, and we should hate critics cause they are dumb or something. I like critics, but i also dont; I lvoed signs till I read maddoxā€™s review :stuck_out_tongue:

Saw it, liked it, but was just a little let down on how easy it was to figure out and once figured out I felt a little let down. I give it a 6 of 10.

Well at least now i feel better knowing im not the only one that saw this piece o crap :beam: :thumb:

I read a lot of reviews and REALLY didnā€™t want to go. But despite that, my roommate dragged me to it. I was pleasently surprised. I didnā€™t expect much at all, but itā€™s not a bad movie. You just have to put it in itā€™s place. Sweet twists.

I think hearing and reading all the bad reviews about this movie so soon after it came out helped lower my expectations and somehow made it better for me? I just went to see it, thinking it was gonna be a total waste of time, but I actually liked it. It was predictable, but entertaining nonetheless. Not the greatest, but ok.

I loved it actually. I loved Bryce Dallas Howard in it, she was awesome. She made the big name actors look pale in comparison. I loved the story, the message behind the movie, and everything. If I was going into it thinking it was a horror movie, maybe my opinion would have been different though, because to me, it was anything but a horror movie. Also, the ā€œtwistā€ in this movie was obvious from the beginning. But it was still an awesome movie, and Iā€™m definitely adding it to my DVD collection. :slight_smile: