The village

just saw it last night… OMG… what a rip off.
calls the cops
I knew the scenario after the first hour… The acting slowly turned into crap at over the entire movie, and at the high point of the suspense… W. Hurt went overboard I think…
He’s too dramatic of an actor to play that part… Not to mention S. Weaver,…
what the H_ LL was she doing in this abortion… I guess all M Nights movies can’t be as good as Signs…

After the first hour :lol:

And you think Signs was his best movie?

Hooray for being condescending!

I saw the movie the other night. It was a little slow at some parts, but the overall story was very good. You really have to pay attention and put all the pieces together to fully understand it. Would I see it again? well, maybe. I liked it. It had some great twists.

didn’t say best… said as good as
ciao ciao :mu:

hmmm … i watched the village the first night it came out. i have to say that, overall, i was completely dissapointed. i cannot fathom how any of you can say that the story was anything short of weak. oh wow … amish people. 2 hours of amish people is all it was, in my opinion. i wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but like has been said before … always make your own choice.

my rating: F

signs was horrible;P

[size=3][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=black]Why would a highly advanced alien species capable of interplanetary travel who can be killed by water go to a planet that is 70% water?[/color][/size] [/color][/size]

as bad as this probably sounds, I never thought of that untill I read it at Maddox’s page.
I suppose I wasn’t critical enough of it. But, I liked signs… sort of. I really love when Mel Gibson gets angry. it’s so funny.

The movie was quite nice and had a few nice twists. I love the director’s style and his cinematography was amazing. The credits had some nice photos at the end as well. The way he frames his shots and the colors he uses…simply amazing. And also the way he can grip the emotions of an audience and keep you there slowly building on those emotions is great. :slight_smile:

If you don’t like these types of movies…then don’t go see them. Seems easy enough.

The village was pretty good. The story was original, and the directing/camerawork was good. and the director cameo is always cool.

I agree that there are tons of movies 10 times worse, but they’re known as “Straight to video/DVD” and not get called “the summer’s riveting masterpiece”.
Last night I saw, “Collateral” with Tom Cruise and I think most here will thank me for saving their nine bucks and watching that instead of the village.
After the Sixth Sense, you are right, my expectations were set too high…

[color=black][font=Verdana][size=2]Collateral was an excellent movie, I though Tom Cruse did an excellent job of playing a villain. I am soo glad I did not go and see the village and saw collateral instead.[/size] :slight_smile: [/font][/color]

it was a good movie, but i was disappointed because i wanted to see some monsters!

The Village was pretty stupid. I was finally able to see this movie and I have to say, Night should change careers. Once again Night attempts his ironic ending in this movie and once again he fails to deliver the same effect it had from Sixth Sense. Also, it kind of annoys me how he always manages to fit himself in the movie, even in one about an 18th century village in America, or so it would seem. The story was well presented, but was cut short when it took a hard turn in another direction. There was a lot of elements that could’ve been explained more in the film that was just left out, either out of style/meaning or simply left on the cutting floor. Bryce Howard did an excellent job playing her role no doubt. Joaquin Phoenix’s part, however, was merely fodder for the critics to pick at. Too much was focused on his role, though it was completely unnecessary. His impact on the movie would have been comparable to him just stuck in the background beating some alien with a stick while the plot progressed.

And what is it with the overall mood in Night’s movies? Has anyone else noticed that no one ever seems to smile? My guess is Night manages to slip a Prozac in everyone’s iced tea before each shot. Any subtle joke made is quickly quelled by some sudden movement in the background or it simply sucks.

I hope the next movie he makes stars himself being, or trying to be, a movie director/producer/writer/actor/extra and in the end we find out that at the peak of his popularity he’s really a ghost who died because of brittle bones and was allergic to water and who lived in the 25th century and somehow managed to travel back in time.


It’s his style?

So depressing :-/

Told ya guys its sucked cow b@lls rotflmao now go see Aliens VS Predator lol

OK, so I finally got to see The Village. It’s not Signs, it’s not the Sixth Sense or Unbreakable… it’s… realistic. And I liked it.

The main problem with this movie is its promo campaign. When watching the trailer or even the movie poster it looks like it’s the next spooky film. It’s not. Don’t go to be scared. It’s more like a legend, like a fairy tale, but without the fairies.

The colours, the calm camera movements, the music and above all, the actors, are excellent. The movie feals “cheaper” than Signs, but not in a bad way. It’s romantic and heroic and all that. Like a great story from te past.

If you want blood and scary moments and people running everywhere to escape the big monsters, skip it. But I recommend it. Just don’t expect what *they *want you to expect.

I was going to go watch this movie right now… Now I don’t think I can be stuffed getting out of this chair.

If you want blood and scary moments and people running everywhere to escape the big monsters, skip it.
Try DOG SOLDERS on video… I don’t know if it came out in the states or not. It was a Pomy movie… But it was pretty good…

Granted there were some fairly slow moving sections, but overall it was a good experience. Its refreshing to see a movie that isn’t a clone of some other movie. The story was original and thought provoking. Yes the trailers were a bit decieving, but then the trailers for Fight Club were hella decieving…and that movie rocked. Popular opinion seems to be that the Village sucked, and if you walk into the theatre with that opinion in mind, then it will indeed suck for you.

On a side note…Alien(s) kicked, Predator (both) kicked…so what happened to AvP? It was entertaining, but I think it could have been much much better.