Hiya guys. Was hoping you could help me out with a few suggestions here.
My site is insanely old. I have been too busy to even update it since last January, and I feel disgusted just updating the xml. So, it’s remake time.
Now. Most of the stuff is conceptually done, layout and effect wise. In my head that is. I’m having a bit of a problem with the headlines though. I’ve narrowed it down to three major “categories” which would be
Work, Essential information, contact
Where work would contain strictly portfolio wise stuff, Essential information would be resume, skills, and some background story. Contact is a bit more obvious;
However, I’ve bounced into a wall on how to formulate these three categories. I’m looking for a way to phrase it that would capture myself a little bit more. “Work, Portfolio” etc sounds so terribly generic and un-interesting. I’m trying to get a little bit of personality in there, even though that might be a bad thing for “viewers”. I’ve always been a really outspoken person, which has both hurt and benefited me, and I was hoping to try and capture that a little bit in the wording.
Any ideas? Just throw it out there, any help is appreciated.