Im back

yup… sorta newish version of my portfolio site… not done, never will be.

what da yall think?

click this please


A really cool design but it’s not really functional. I can’t really figuar out how it works. I can’t really find how to get that sticky on the fontpage removed. I would put it in my protofolio but remake it so it’s clearer. Once gain a really nice inovative deisgn but not functional.

by the sticky you mean the newpaper? yeah, theres a link to close it, but other people have a greed that its hidden a little too well. ive heard the nav is kinda hideen, but to the popint that its unusable?

man, ive had one comment and this thread keeps sinking to the second page! noone else?

I think the loadbar to the newspaper should be somewhere else. Its very hard to see over that picture.
And i would make the content move a little faster, or with some kind of elastic effect. It seems too boring and slow now.
Other than that, i liked it a lot :beam:

It “looks” nice…

But as for looks go… the rest of the site isn’t at all functional my friend… Navigation is almost found and not seen… I found it by mistake and not by looking… And people “will NOT” look for navigation. They exect it to be right in front of their eyes.

Flashy… and Innovative… But definetly a near 0 on functionality.

I agree with budda, this site looks nice but functionality is a must!

interesting… ive posted on many other forums and this is the only one where people have complained about functionality…

albiet i made the site, but if i hadnt and was viewing it for the first time i dont think it would be as confusing as yall make it out to be… did yall not see the big bold “NAVIGATION” with a bracket pointing to the buttons…?

Thats just wacky!

Well first off I say lose the “COMPLETE” and get yourself a nice percent with load bar preloader.

The site graphics are very good but positioned bad. Some of the text is hard to read because the taped on new newspaper is in the way of reading the “About me” and “Introduction” and basically every other piece of text on the page, I suggestion moving the paper or having a bunch of people mad that they can’t read the text be hide the paper.

All and all I give this site the datapimp rating of a 5 out of 10.

Needs work but I like it some, not sure why but I do.

The Site Check Meany,

P.S. That Micro$hit thing then just kidding is hilarious I just might do that too. lol

you can close the newspaper thing… sorry its hard to find the link… sortof. you dont really think id have that covering all the content…

ouch… 5 out of 10.

and laslett… wacky is good or bad?

Personally, I think it’s an interesting design and gives the viewer something to play with. However if this is your portfolio, you might want to display your content clearer with easier access, be it your artwork or webdesign so that you can get more clients.

Although I found it fun to play with, the average person looking for content might not. I am constantly looking for new design concepts and that probably explains why I bothered looking for your navigation. Possibly because I knew it had to be somewhere, and I wanted to figure out how your clever layout worked. But how is the average person supposed to make that judgement? They havn’t come to this forum to get some background information, and they might not even know that what you’ve created is a website because it doesn’t even look like the typical.


I like it. I found it quite easy to navigate to be honest and I really like the torn paper feel.

Can I ask how you learned to do the nice transformations? I can’t get the hang of doing it so that when a button is press, main content sort of goes in and out. Do you know what I mean? Do you have links to tutorials that explain how to do it? Or any old FLAs that you don’t need with examples?

Cheers and once again - nice one.

wacky different / original!

Although you might lose it’s newspaper appeal, I think you might want to add some color so things can just stand out, cause it does look kinda confusing. Other than that, cool site.