The Xbox360 system update is here!

Not having downloaded it myself (as I just got to the office), has anyone here tried it out yet? :slight_smile:

I was waiting for this, mostly the background download feature though. I can’t wait to get home and get this thing downloaded, I hope they improved the BC, as my Halo2 keeps freezing after 10 minutes of gameplay.

Any thoughts on the update? From any 360 owners?

Fessy, why on earth can’t you wait till you get home? You’re never on XBL anyway :wink:

Grim, that explains why you haven’t been online :lol: I just thought you guys had abandoned your boxes…

You have no idea how hard this has been, good thing I got Oblivion and played that alot I also bought hitman which is a pretty cool game so far first i’ve ever played its kinda difficult but fun.

I cant wait to get internet at home man I wanna get teh new updates and play Street fighter 2 when it comes out online best fighting game in da world :thumb:

Yeah I’ve never been any good at the hitman games… I got the 2nd game for pc, never got past level 2 :-/

How much is the Oblivion monthly fee?

WTF you talking bout? :huh: I’ve been playing oblivion on my X360 and its not online enabled to my knwoledge :crazy:

Yeah oblivion isn’t multiplayer. If it were I would get it:D

My bad, I assumed Oblivion was a MMORPG game… never realised :blush:

:lol: Nah Oblivion is a RPG and one of the best and addicting ones may I add ask fester :beam: :thumb:

Exactly! - Oblivion has me by the nuggs - I dont want to start any other games untill I finish it. I think i’m actually pretty close. I’ve got 160 hours into it right now.

Dont worry Eilsoe - i’ll be on soon as i’m done with oblivion

Ya right Oblivion is a game that will never be finished theres just too much to do :lol: if your talking about the main quest then yes but the full game i doubt it.

Oh BTW theres a patch coming up for Oblivion to fix some of the bugs :love: