Not having downloaded it myself (as I just got to the office), has anyone here tried it out yet?
I was waiting for this, mostly the background download feature though. I can’t wait to get home and get this thing downloaded, I hope they improved the BC, as my Halo2 keeps freezing after 10 minutes of gameplay.
You have no idea how hard this has been, good thing I got Oblivion and played that alot I also bought hitman which is a pretty cool game so far first i’ve ever played its kinda difficult but fun.
I cant wait to get internet at home man I wanna get teh new updates and play Street fighter 2 when it comes out online best fighting game in da world :thumb:
Exactly! - Oblivion has me by the nuggs - I dont want to start any other games untill I finish it. I think i’m actually pretty close. I’ve got 160 hours into it right now.
Dont worry Eilsoe - i’ll be on soon as i’m done with oblivion
Ya right Oblivion is a game that will never be finished theres just too much to do :lol: if your talking about the main quest then yes but the full game i doubt it.
Oh BTW theres a patch coming up for Oblivion to fix some of the bugs :love: