This might be an easy one for ya

I have 12 buttons and 12 movie clips. I have given all the movie clips individual names.

What I would like to do is make it so that if you mouse over one of the buttons, it makes the movie clip beside it get bigger and when you mouse out it goes back to it’s original size. An easing motion would be nice to if possible between the small and big size change.

I am trying to get away from putting the animation in the actual movie clip and using the ol’ go to and play frame on mouse over stuff that I always do. I may have to change some of the titles and it would be much easier if I didn’t have to mess with transitions.


i would read up on the tween class, just search for “tween class” in the flash help, theres some good examples in there.

Thanks for trying to help Defective, but when I went into “help” and searched, it said there was nothing matching.

Of course when I typed “tween” there were millions :wink:

umm… then look in the list for tween class

or try “tween.class”