Thought about teaching?

I’ve been going through some major transitions in the last 6-8 months. I finished my undergrad, found a job as a web/multimedia developer, and am buying a house. Now that I am finally getting out of crisis mode I am reevaluating my long-term goals. I know I want to do something with web/graphic design. Up until now I have been wanting do the design myself, as in working in an agency, creating my own company, or being a web administrator for a company. Recently I have been thinking about teaching. I have taken some courses in college that I know I could have tought better than the professor, and I think it would be fun to share my passion with others. I would want to teach at the college level for sure. My current job will pay for my masters degree, which I’m hoping will be a Master’s of Internet Technology from the University of Georgia. I will need to get a Phd afterward in order to teach at a university, ugh.

Anyways, I just was curious to know if anyone else is pursuing the teaching route. I am not dead set at this point, just considering it.