Time for BreakFast @ 1:00 pm EST

Ok, well I’m about to eat my breakfast/lunch, and I was wondering:

“What is the weirdest thing that you like to eat, that everyone else thinks is gross?”

I loooove Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches with Doritos on them.

Now, before you say… OMG Thats SO GROSS!!! Try it. My friends all said the same exact thing, and only 1 out of the 15 or so that tried it still thinks its gross.

SO, now I ask you; “What is the weirdest thing that you like to eat, that everyone else thinks is gross?”


french fries! :stuck_out_tongue:
well actually they don’t think it’s gross they just don’t like 'em!
btw I was just watching the Guinness records and there was a guy who made 2 records for putting as many scorpions as he can in his mouth and for putting the biggest scorpion in his mouth! Now that was gross! He could’ve died, his tounge could have been cut off etc.

PS! What is that “EST” in the thread subject? At first I thought it was Estonia cuz the short for Estonia is “Est” :P:P

When I was a kid I used to eat Mayonnaise on my soft pretzels… I don’t like that anymore though, musta been a phase.

I don’t have a very weird diet, I am really picky with my food, but a lot of people wonder about how much I love my Peanut Butter and Apple Butter sandwiches… mmmmmm.

EST = Eastern Standard Time. East Coast of US… Just trying to get the Time Zone right for everyone :slight_smile:

It is the same time here :wink:

But I had my breakfast at 11:30am… Cinnamon Toast Crunch… mmmmmmmm

Lost, your idea sounds good… What exactly does Apple Butter taste like, and where can I get some?

oh maan you eat breakfast at 11:30 am?
I have to do it 7:45 am cuz I have the stupid school and I have to get up 7:30 to get to schhol by 8:20 or so…:angry:

When I was in high school I had to get to school by 7:30 :frowning:

But that is off subject… weird food people, concentrate on weird food that YOU eat and everyone else thinks is gross.

SYKO: I am a college student. Usually I don’t get to eat breakfast because I wake up late for class and I have to run right from my bed to my class. However, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don’t have any classes (for now).

Weird FOOD:: I used to eat Cottage Cheese that was mixed with ketsup. :crazy:

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**Lost, your idea sounds good… What exactly does Apple Butter taste like, and where can I get some? **

Hmmm… apple butter has a pretty distinct taste… It is sorta kinda like apple sauce, but brown, smoother, and with spices (no, not like spicey-a meatball spices). You can get it at Pathmark, Superfresh, or pretty much any major super market. I love it.

concentrate… concentrate… all that I can think of is french fries! I just love 'em but everyone else hates 'em!:!:

I think I might pick some up and try it. I hope I like it too… don’t want to vomit :trout:

Syko: Everyone where I am loves french fries!!!

Jubba: You probably won’t vomit. The probably with people around me is that any sandwich other than ham and cheese or peanut butter and jelly is disgusting to them…lol.

Which brings me to another one people think is weird… I like Lebanon Bologna and Cheese sandwiches too, a lot of people find that weird.

omg talking of vomit I ate lots of gingerbreads one day and threw up 9 times that night <---- don’t ask it was awful!!!
And from that day on I have never eaten another gingerbread!