What time’s the exam?
I’m kind of late, as always, but GOOD LUCK!! :thumb:
afternoon - 1:45pm :-\
Eek. Revision go alright? Don’t forget - the left ventricle, OK?
no! nooooooooooo!
“To what extent have Labour and Conservative economic policies represented consensus rather than adversary politics?”
asphalt thinks
The left ventricle! the left ventricle!!
You’ll thank me if that comes up though. I know it’s unlikely in a Politics exam, but it could be a trick question…
pick the middle answer on all multi choice, alternate T & F in a 3-2-1 pattern and obƒuscate all essays and you’re a shoe~in …
…lots-0-luck !
[size=1]BTW … don’t pay attention to them, you guys make a cute couple :love:[/size]
Its: do 2 questions from a choice of 4. 45mins per question (roughly 3 written sides each).2 questions will definitely be on the European Union and the other 2 will be on either: economic policy, sovereignty, law & order, nationalism & devolution. I’m afraid that doesnt leave much room for a question on the heeaart but yes, I will thank you, should it arise…!
“Placing Britain at the heart of Europe” - John Major
would that be in the left ventricle then??
Absolument. :beam: Although I’m a little concerned that my thinking is following that of John Major… :sure:
I’ll just sit here listening to Kula Shaker for the duration of the morning… Yay! Tattva!
wow… music in the office
It’s not technically allowed, but me, my boss and the person next to me like it, so I tend to play a lot. :beam:
No-one’s complained so far.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :thumb:
oh wait… exam… bollocks. any way to turn this thumb upside-down?
Good luck to you
Good Luck !
May the force be with you…
I think “May the farce be with you…” might be more appropriate actually
right. I think I’m gonna go do a bit more skimming/revising
I think it’s finally time to actually go - catch you lot later
thanks for the kind words everyone :love:
Once again - good luck mate.
Good luck asphalt =)
came running Hey, am i late?
" Jao , duniya jeet lo "
Go, win the world
( in hindi ) =)
ello all!
well… it’s over… How did it go? not that great. The questions were not very nice, but better than the last time I sat this exam. I think I did ok. I need to get about 5 more marks than I did last time… so … I’m… shall we say… hopeful… but not confident
we’ll see what happens. thanks for everyone’s kind words…
I’m finally free and stress-free for the first time in months! woo
roll on august