Time to go

What time’s the exam?

I’m kind of late, as always, but GOOD LUCK!! :thumb:

afternoon - 1:45pm :-\

Eek. Revision go alright? Don’t forget - the left ventricle, OK? :slight_smile:

no! nooooooooooo! :stuck_out_tongue:

“To what extent have Labour and Conservative economic policies represented consensus rather than adversary politics?”

asphalt thinks

The left ventricle! the left ventricle!! :slight_smile:

fails :stuck_out_tongue:

Oops. :slight_smile:

You’ll thank me if that comes up though. I know it’s unlikely in a Politics exam, but it could be a trick question… :stuck_out_tongue:

pick the middle answer on all multi choice, alternate T & F in a 3-2-1 pattern and obƒuscate all essays and you’re a shoe~in …

…lots-0-luck !

[size=1]BTW … don’t pay attention to them, you guys make a cute couple :love:[/size]

Its: do 2 questions from a choice of 4. 45mins per question (roughly 3 written sides each).2 questions will definitely be on the European Union and the other 2 will be on either: economic policy, sovereignty, law & order, nationalism & devolution. I’m afraid that doesnt leave much room for a question on the heeaart :wink: but yes, I will thank you, should it arise…!

“Placing Britain at the heart of Europe” - John Major

would that be in the left ventricle then?? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolument. :beam: Although I’m a little concerned that my thinking is following that of John Major… :sure:

I’ll just sit here listening to Kula Shaker for the duration of the morning… Yay! Tattva! :stuck_out_tongue:

wow… music in the office :slight_smile:

It’s not technically allowed, but me, my boss and the person next to me like it, so I tend to play a lot. :beam:

No-one’s complained so far. :stuck_out_tongue:

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :thumb:

oh wait… exam… bollocks. any way to turn this thumb upside-down?


Good luck to you :slight_smile:

thanks! :slight_smile:

Good Luck !

May the force be with you…

I think “May the farce be with you…” might be more appropriate actually :wink:

right. I think I’m gonna go do a bit more skimming/revising
I think it’s finally time to actually go - catch you lot later :wink:

thanks for the kind words everyone :love:

Once again - good luck mate. :slight_smile:

Good luck asphalt =)

came running Hey, am i late?
" Jao , duniya jeet lo "
Go, win the world
( in hindi ) =)

ello all!

well… it’s over… :stuck_out_tongue: How did it go? not that great. The questions were not very nice, but better than the last time I sat this exam. I think I did ok. I need to get about 5 more marks than I did last time… so … I’m… shall we say… hopeful… but not confident :wink:

we’ll see what happens. thanks for everyone’s kind words…

I’m finally free and stress-free for the first time in months! woo :slight_smile:

roll on august :wink: