Time to go

no, I’m not going leaving Kirupaforums.com forever (before you start cracking open the champagne! :P). Indeed, perhaps the most important exam of my life so far (the one that will get me into university) is tomorrow. So I am now going to commit suici… I mean… go and revise my arse off.

wish me luck! assuming I make it out alive, I’ll be back tomorrow :wink:

Good luck mate. :slight_smile:

Good luck my love :love:

I am sure you will do just great!

You know, you two are really beginning to worry me now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure the exam will go fine. :slight_smile:

but if you lookit the post counts… LIB leaves cowboy 10 love notes for every 1 he leaves LiB! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we need to be worrying about the obsessive one. Asphalt is innocent. :stuck_out_tongue:


What the guy above me said :slight_smile:

break a leg man!
good luck!

:m: mariofan

Good luck man! But I hope you won’t need it :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Good luck my love :love:

I am sure you will do just great!**

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
You know, you two are really beginning to worry me now… :stuck_out_tongue:
I thought you had a girlfriend lost. . .does she know about your homosexual relationship with asphalt?


*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**I thought you had a girlfriend lost. . .does she know about your homosexual relationship with asphalt?

:wink: **

Thanks for resurfacing old feelings :frowning: Actually my girlfriend and I aren’t together anymore :sigh:

Good luck :beam:

Good Luck!!!

looks at Dan

looks at Lost

looks at Dan again

“D A M N”

walks away

Indeed, perhaps the most important exam of my life so far (the one that will get me into university) is tomorrow. So I am now going to commit suici… I mean… go and revise my arse off.

Okay, lemme get this straight. You are leaving K-forums the DAY BEFORE YOUR EXAM ???
Maybe you should have done that AGES AGO…

Good luck tho :trout: =)

=) :thumb: Kick some arse!

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Thanks for resurfacing old feelings :frowning: Actually my girlfriend and I aren’t together anymore :sigh: **
Whoa, sorry lost, I didn’t have a clue, now I feel like an ***, I post too much bull, sorry people :frowning:

now you’ve really done it, dan. can i ban you now?

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**Whoa, sorry lost, I didn’t have a clue, now I feel like an ***, I post too much bull, sorry people :frowning: **

Don’t worry about it Dan, you didn’t know :slight_smile: It was a mutual break so that made it easier to deal with. Still sucks though.


Go asphalt, go asphalt ::continues chanting::

thanks guys…! :-\

last minute nerve-calming measures…