like i said bfore i am making a totally scripted random animation thing and need some help. I am trying to use a timer so that every 4 seconds it will attach movieclips, but dont know how to script it. cud som1 help me. this is what i got so far.
onEnterFrame = function() {
//random number generator
rand = Math.random()*20;
//how many movie clips should be on the screen at once
obstacles = 2;
curobs = 0;
time = Math.floor(getTimer()/1000);
if(time == 4) {
//if rand is greater than or equal to 16 load rail
if(rand >= 16) {
_root.attachMovie("rail", "rail" + rand, rand)
//if rand is between 5 and ten load gap
if( (rand > 5) and (rand < 7)) {
_root.attachMovie("gap", "gap" + rand, rand)
//if rand is less than or equal to 5 load wall
if(rand <= 5) {
_root.attachMovie("wall", "wall" + rand, rand)