Thanks NewHope for your input:
The content seems intriguing, but color me unimpressed with the design of the site…
… the embedded video is nice, but the Flash itself is far from impressive.
… was it supposed to be amazingly impressive? What flash are you talking about?
Design-wise, I have a few questions:
Why have folders and pages as icons (emulating the icon directives of a tree menu) when the menu isn’t collapsible/expandable?
What is the point of them being expandable and collapsable? I dont see the point of collapsing them, and the whole point isnt to do that. The point of that navigation that lets you see your sub-options on the left. Its not really supposed to resemble a tree-menu that is collapsable/expandable… but it could be done maybe later on?
Why not put the logo in it’s own PNG/JPG/GIF and up the color depth and resolution of it? Currently, I think you have your Flash bitmap export options set a bit low, resulting in a blurry, pixelated logo ( I understand that you’re going for a pixel-font appearance for the tagline, but the logo is a bit fuzzy).
The logo looks very high quality on my screen, im using IE 6. The sub header text under the logo is supposed to be very crisp since it uses the clear font option in Flash. However, I will most likely end up making it a transparent image soon since it has no point for it to be flash at the moment.
Why not just have the intro/demo/info SWF play without user interaction? If it’s going to be loaded anyways, why not just have it start automatically?
It actually did work like that before but some people complained they didnt want to watch it again when they were just using the homepage to read news or the blog… I may switch it back if more people request it to play automatically.
Why have a Flash-based news/blog reader? I can’t scroll it with my wheel (something most users are quite used to doing)…you could at least amend that in Flash to make it scrollable.
It scrolls with your wheel some-what but also scrolls to the bottom of the page which is sort of weird. I cant find a way to fix that, and if I could have a non-flash blog reader I would, but this isnt the case.
I like the colors and the feel, but the mechanics seem skewed (IMO).
It might be nice to have a good Flash site other than Ultrashock (I hate their site, seriously) and Flashkit (broken PHP anyone?), and an alternative to
Thanks very much for your input and hopefully the discussion can continue on what you would like changed or added. Thanks newhopekenny!