I was in place where was no internet connection! But I brought my laptop with myself and I could mess around in Terragen! I was in a city not so far from here on the Estonian-Russian border!
btw mdipi nice “thing” on your signature! What’s it called
ASCII picture or sumthin’?
Pressed the wrong button again!
[SIZE=1]::beating my head on against the table::[/SIZE]
this was supposed to be a new post in the “How did you learn??” Thread!
Been away too much eh buddie?
LOL. dont worry i do that sorta thing all the time:beam:
It had only happened once at the 3drealms forum but not here!
I guess I’ve been away for too long (2 DAYS!!!)
I hope I’ll be OK tomorrow!
me ->:hair: (but not so mad-looking)
Is that suppose to be more of the… “i just got back from a long assed trip and I’m ready to flippen crash on a bed” look?
i usally mess up when i am spending half the night on this site:beam:
*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Is that suppose to be more of the… “i just got back from a long assed trip and I’m ready to flippen crash on a bed” look?
hehe **
I knew iT!
I’m god… Admit it…
Well… Nevermind… You don’t have to call me god… But you can call me Allah de Marz
I wanna be a god too! Show me a smiley and I’ll tell ya what it is, Allah!
Come young god in training… Show us your might
ummm… :-
That’s just a chinese throwing stupid faces at me! :):chinaman: :chinaman: :chinaman:
Wow… You do have a little potential in you… Now I present to you… My cvhoice again!
;( The… “I feel like I’m gonna blow cause i gotta go the bathroom but I’m 20 miles away” smilie…
;( <-- this is the right guy on this--right before the grenade explodes!
Where did you get the explosion smilies?
go to kirupaforum.com and you can see “[ List of smilies ]” there! Click on it!
There’s a list of all the smilies!
And when you’re typing the text to be posted ike I am right this second you should see on the left a link to it too but for some reason I can’t see that one anymore so I just use the one on the main page!
hey btw what weather do you have there? …somewhere :-\
It’s freezing over here! I hate winter! -20 degrees!
And the day after tomorrow I have to go skiing at school and it’s gonna be -30!! OMFG! I don’t wanna die skiing!
I live south of Finland and in FInland it’s -40 tomorrow!
Is it really the end?
HOLY crap man…
It’s like… 22 degrees here in Pennsylvania…
22? OMG I’d give anything to be in Pennsylvania right now! …no not now… the day after tomorrow! There should be a law that forbids going to school if it’s -25 outside! …I think I heard that somewhere there already is such a law and people are considering making one here too! …I think