is there a easy way to trace line art in flash… cuz i was screwin with some scanned stuff and im tryin to figure out how to trace the lines in black without actually just goin over the lines with the paint brush tool… cuz my hand is kinda shakey cuz i twitch a lot… or i just have a really unsteady hand… any ideas?
Trace bitmap works [Sometimes]
how do u do that?
never mind i figured it out… it might work if i can figure out how to mess with all the stuff… but the drawing isnt very clean so i dont know what to expect
yeah that didnt really work… does anyone know ne good tips on usin the pen tool
Yeah it’s not used very often coz its a bit hit n miss. If you have clean graphics it can work ok-ish
Zoom in and do it the old-fashioned way I guess.
crap… alright
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**crap… alright
thanks **
Yeah sorry man. We basically trace every thing by hand here.
And a small tip is…
Flash 3 is far better for drawing and stuff like that, than any of the others.
yeah i just tried to trace it and everything… i finished it but it looks really bad so im thinkin this is gonna be one of those things that takes a long long time to get good at… but oh well… dont have anything else to do
use single lines with a ‘hairline’ width and then bend them and curve them to match the lines that are drawn in. Like in this tutorial by Kitiara:
how do u curve the line…?
while the line it on the canvas hover your mouse above it without selecting it. You will see a little curve appear next to the mouse. Then click and you will be able to curve it.