Transitions and loading

Hey guys,

I have two issues right now.

Ok first off:

Say I have a list of locations to go and you click one and an animation occurs ok and now the screen changes. Now when you click one of the other options I want to make it so that the screen fades to white then goes to the location that you clicked. So what I did was make a “set variable” and just told it to play animation where the screen fades to white then if variable ='s whatever then it goes to a specific link which starts as a white screen and fades into my page. This way I can make a uniform page.

My question for this problem is what will the code look like? How do I make it:

if ( donkey = 1)

whatever, I did it that way where donkey is the variable to be set. What am I doing wrong? It doesn’t work hehe.

Second question is how do I in page “load” where if the user clicks on a button and it loads an image it’ll say “loading” with the % loaded showing, realtime. Then when it finishes loading it shows the image?

Ok thanks if you can help!!


for loading images and showing percentage make a new movie with just the image or mc you want to have loaded and put a loading on the beginning thats how you show pecentage for each loaded mc, as for you other problem just start each frame label with the alpha phade so wehn the user clicks on the desirede section it always starts with the phade in its much simpler and less AS


here’s a great tutorial:

smooth transitions