
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone can speak fluent ‘client’ here… Cause I have no f**king idea what he is on about…
Just got this in an email…

Sorry mate. Still dont like the templates and the color background. i
already prefer you will copy/imitate the site i have sent you. but i
dont like to imitate/copy


I just ignore the people I work for until they come to me and tell me what they actually want.

I think he’s trying to say “I want you to make something original, but that is ugly. I’d rather plagiarize than use that.” I’d suggest giving him 3 sketches of layout ideas. Have him pick his favorite. Then make 3 more based upon that layout and have him pick again. Keep doing it until he’s like “Yes! Thats the site I want!”

He doesn’t like your stuff and he wants you to make something that looks like the site he sent. kk.

something that looks like the site he sent

, or along the lines of the site he sent, but different enough from it so that he doesn’t feel he’s plagiarising.

He doesn’t like your stuff and he wants you to make something that looks like the site he sent. kk.

Oh, I get that, but then he doesn’t want us to imitate the site… going to make a multiple choice questionnaire to send to clients from now on…
