Tribal Alphabet

Does anyone knows where i can find a tribal alphabet?

i have to produce an artwork with tribal letters to sunday, and i can´t draw a decent tribal…
plz help me!

Thanks =)

do you need a certain word written in tribal or do you need a full TTF…and what do you consider tribal? I think I saw one on either of these 2 sites or .

If you need a certain word written in tribal I could be able to help you with that.

Hi 3d-iva,

I need the word PARE RUT´S written in tribal, if you can help me on that i´ll be in your debt for ever! :love:

i´ll look up for the font type on that site anyways,

Thanks! =)

ok ill try to whip one up in vector…if you have a site or something I can get an example of what you consider tribal that would be great…no debt…all the AS help you have given me…I owe you.

ok ill try to whip one up in vector…if you have a site or something I can get an example of what you consider tribal that would be great…no debt…all the AS help you have given me…I owe you.


I´m glad i helped you in the past… i was glad then and i´m happier now :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you so much for you help dude!

here´s something to get you started:

wow that kind of tribal!!! Ok np just gotta beak out my pencil and skectch a bit…i can still do it…I’ll do it in fireworks…so if you need to resize I would suggest using fireworks mx. eh…actually after this if you could help me with a AS question I would greatly appreciate it!

hehe… sure i´ll help you!

if i can´t help you, i´ll get you someone who can :stuck_out_tongue:

meanwhile post you question, so i can start to think on it :wink:

ok I posted this a while back…but i have a movie (mainstage) that have 5 frames…frame 1 a MC with a button…the other 4 frames contain the same graphic as frame 1 but different animations…what I want to happen is when a person mousesOver frame 1, the playhead will randomly goto one of the four other frames…for the appearance of random animation…then return to frame one when done. there will be more than 4 animations in the future but four is good for now.

working on your thing now…got some free time

roger that!

working on it now.:tie:

You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours… nice :beam:

  • Soul :s:

he has scratched mine so many times…I cant count…i suck at AS

i have to admit i was kindaof confused with your request, so i´m not sure that´s exactly what you want… take a look and let me know :wink:

ps: it is in mx… good?

You must have an itchy back :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

would not open for me…kept crashing mx…but yes it is mx…Basically I wanna jump to a random frame. I have a button in frame 1…click it…sends you to a random frame (2 - 5 as an example) in those frames are different animations…when it play sends you back to frame 1. Trying to imitate randome movement i guess. cna t explain it any better sorry if I am confusing u.

nevermind got it to open…yes that is what I am after…exactly thanks…still working on your thingy…have never done tribal b4 so I am sketching it first…

glad i could help =)

soul: don´t you have anything better to do other than make comments about other ppl flea situations? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, I’m that little bit of light humour that make all your lives go along that little bit happier :beam:

  • Soul :s:

yep, feel free to humor me anytime;)

here is my first attempt…it is not the greatest this is my first time drawing something like this but I noticed there are mainly 2 types the smooth flowing type and the dramatc angle type. tried to go between the 2…keep in mind this is a sketch and will look better when I vector it…it is the first word “pare” if you like it… I can whip up the rest…and vectorize it if not I can go back to the drawing board…

oh… that´s great dude :stunned:

can´t wait to see it finished =)