TROY! (possible spoiler)

I have seen the movie and for me it second after Lord of the Rings.

All I can say is that Paris (played by Orlando Bloom) is a bstard coward and Helen (played by Dianne Kruger) is a two-timing btch. And because of their LUST (not LOVE) people suffered, heros and brothers and fathers and cousins died, empires that took lifetimes to build fall, and one man’s dream of immortality achieved. There is no justice in the story’s ending. Those that started the chaos probably lived happily ever after at the expense of all.

The movie was long enough (2H 45min) and is never dragging. I was glad that there are no more shouting when Orlando Bloom appeared. The fighting style of Achilles is very exciting and should be looked forward to. Brad Pitt plays the role well.

All in all the movie was good and well worth your time and money.