Try this logic Puzzle, only 2% of people are said to be able to complete it :)

I saw this logic puzzle made by einstien, he reckons only 2% of the population could solve. Anyway i tried it and solved it and i decided to design the following flash game to simulate it. Please give me some feedback and challenge yourself at the game :smiley:

Heres link to my site:

I sue to buy those logic books and complete all 100+ puzzles ina week at school during classes…

They wree fun… Will try my hand atthis one then later… :slight_smile:

that was fun, like the wee fish bowl at the end. my only problem was getting the Norwegian and Danish flags mixed up.

oh man I got soo confused…

Hehe ye maybe i should label them flags :trout:

Got it first time. :slight_smile:

here’s the thing… back in Einstein’s day, not a lot of people knew linear algebra…

so while only 2% might have gotten it back then, I expect a lot more people would get it now…

Ya, I couldn’t tell what an audi TT was, so I quit after about step 6. They have lots of questions like that on the SAT (not the real SAT, but the one our state makes us take to see how good the schools are). I’m willing to bet about 25% of the population could figure that out now.

it took me a while, but i did it.

i wasn´t really sure about the answer buit i got it right on my first try.

[EDIT] got anymore?

Mt sister and me made it two years ago, it took us 7min ;p

But it is really a lot of easier when you make it with two persons

Wow, thats hard! And possibly scary!
