Another game

This one I can’t really pass along unless somone else has read the book… in which case I wont be able to play. :slight_smile:
I’ve opted to make this a different thread because these logic puzzles are not riddles. It’s more like 20 questions with a twist. There was a book of puzzles I read once, of which I’m willing to relate a couple, if people are up for the game. The way it works is this. You read the puzzle, and then are allowed to ask any questions which can only be replied to with yes or no answers. Any other questions are invalid.

My favorite of the bunch is this one

A man wakes in the middle of the night. He gets himself a glass of water, and turns out the light. In the morning, he wakes, looks out the window; what he sees is so horrifying that he commits suicide. What did he see.

Ask a question

What???, no one is even going to take a poke? :slight_smile: I see people viewing the thread… I know you’re looking. :wink:

I’m normally pretty good at these things, but so far this one is eluding me. I’ll get back to ya.

look at the instructions guys. You’re allowed to ask ANY yes or no questions. These puzzles are NOT riddles in that there is probebly no way that anyone could guess the answer right off the bat. The challenge of course is to get the puzzle in as few questions as possible. In the case of this one, I think the smallest number of questions I’ve seen completed the puzzle was 15, and that’s just because the recipient stumbled across a particularly good question.

So don’t hurt yourself… just try to think of as broad a question as possible to begin with. Each question will lead the next to a smaller and smaller definition of the answer.

In this case, since it’s the first one, I’ll relate this small clue. What has occured outside his window is his fault AND the answer is obvious when taken in perspective of EVERY line of the puzzle.

that’s as much as I can give you, and even that’s a little too much. I think I have about 50 of these though, so if people like them I’ll post one a day, starting in the evening (5 pm or so) which should provide the questioners the best chance of getting quick replies from me.

#1: Is what he saw organic? Humanoid?

Lemme see. Water, light switch…

My question is - Did he electrocute anything?

My question is - Did he electrocute anything?


Is what he saw organic? Humanoid?

I cannot answer this question, it has no “yes” or “no” response

Did someone he knew die?

did someone he knew die?


Did his penis fall off. That would make me kill myself:P


someone else died?


Was the light on when he woke up?

he didn´t see anything! He gone blind, and couldn´t stand it! so he kills himself.


Did his penis fall off.

no :slight_smile:

someone else died?

yes (good question)

Was the light on when he woke up?

yes (very good question. :slight_smile: I shouldn’t do that… but hey… it is a good question)

he didn´t see anything! He gone blind, and couldn´t stand it! so he kills himself.


Was he related to the person who died?

more than one peole died(besides him)?

the person(s) who died was from his family?

he was the murderer?


Didn’t he say ask 1 questions:q: :stuck_out_tongue:



Does the window look outside?