Trying to workout a sixpack

It seems like we need a forum just for working out tips. I searched and didn’t find any advice specifically related to this.

I’ve been working out like mad for the last 2 months since school ended, and will be doing it like mad until school starts again (then i’ll just slow down a tiny winsy bit). I want a sixpack and don’t really know the best and fastest way to achieve this.

I searched a lot online too, and came across The site actually seems like it knows what it’s talking about, other than the fact that it totally looks like a scam site (with paid membership you get videos and personalized plans, whatever that is).

Any good and comprehensive guide on this? I don’t want like a page with a few exercises, but one explaining everything including exercises, diet (really specific), other regulations and stuff. I’m willing to pay if necessary. Since personal trainers are hell expensive and won’t be as comprehensive as guides, something like (if it’s not a scam site) would be really sweet. Any advice on this?

Thanks in advance :cap: