Wow talk about rent before you buy. I loved the 64 versions because they had so much play value: puzzles, tactics, graphic violence, and the shear length.
I was all hyped up for this release on the 360 and figured it could only get better. Boy was I wrong.
Granted the graphics are pretty nice, the game is short and seems unfinished.
The plot was bland and seemed to have a good start but they just didn’t follow through with the story. Gameplay became repetitive, especially with
the lack of scenes for quick kill. Bosses were difficult but mostly because you expected more to defeating them than was required.
I can forgive a few things but the straw that broke the camels back was that the weapons just plain sucked. All other Turoks have AMAZING weapons and visuals for them. They are run of the mill generic multiplayer weapons. There was no WOW factor anywhere in the game. I had hopes for the flamethrower until I realized the target didn’t get engulfed in flames (take a hint from TF2). They also limited you to the two weapon system that Halo2 has coined. The original had all weapons as an option in your inventory as long as you had ammo. All of the advancements of Turok 2 went out the window.
Also there is NO splitscreen multiplayer, only 1 person multiplayer on LIVE. WTF, I enjoy playing with my friends in the same room and trash talking more than with strangers. A multiplayer without splitscreen or at least a same console co-op is just horrible (a market move to increase LIVE memberships I’m sure).
I spent $60 USD for this and regret being blindly loyal to the Turok franchise. Now I’ll be lucky if I can resell it for $25 to Gamestop and its only been 3 days since its release.
If any of you have played Turok for the 360 or PS3 what are your reactions? I don’t have LIVE yet (can’t part with money to get the WiFi and a router) so I haven’t checked out multiplayer, is it any good?
It just can’t be as bad as its seems… can it?