Tutorial Request / Updates and General To-Do List

Hi everyone,
This thread will serve as the central spot to show the in-progress tutorials as well as give you a chance to request tutorials instead!

[SIZE=5]In-Progress Tutorials[/SIZE][LIST=1]
[]Numbers in JavaScript
]Strings in JavaScript
[/LIST][SIZE=5]Upcoming Tutorial Ideas
[]Filtering Data
]JavaScript Function Scope Anywhere on Page!
[]Creating an expanding search field (like what Twitter has)
]Custom Data- Attributes!
[]Creating a content scroller!
]Trigonometric animations
[]Setting styles programmatically
]Image panning within a fixed area
[]Cloning HTML
]Detecting Right-click
[]Displaying custom-menu on right click.
]Getting mouse position!
[]Debugging / trace / output
]Create large clickable area
[]Create drop-down menu
]Hover effect with bounce/snap!
[]One eventlistener for multiple events!
]Easing Function (creating your own!)
[]Introduction to Layout
]Reading XML using JS
[]Redirecting people to a new page!
]Emphasizing Text in a Section on Hover
[]Creating an Outline Shadow in CSS
]Displaying Musical Notes
[]Swapping Images on Rollover
]Fading Images In/Out when Rolling Over Them
[/LIST][SIZE=5]Could Use Some Help On[/SIZE][LIST=1]
[]Displaying Data from MySQL in HTML
]Posting data from an HTML Form to a MySQL Database
[]Creating a high score table (posting and reading) values via HTML
[/LIST][SIZE=5]General Updates[/SIZE][LIST=1]
]Making tabs more clickable
[*]Removing the thread title highlight and making that the row color itself
[/LIST]Thanks to blazes for suggesting this!

Kirupa :slight_smile: