Tutorials Suggestions

Hey peeps
I made my mind up and said to myslef im taking a brek off of flash and making tutoials to see howmuch i actually did learn.
Everthing i learned will be in my text document.
and will be a public use for everone opn kirupa.
Can you belive me giving up hours of me making tutorials and throwng it all away to kirupa.com
Im am o genorus.
So far i have load sound and a couple other easy projecs.
Andy one want to make suggestions.

What should i have in it.
What should i do with it.
Future plans with the text Dooc.

Im guessing not much people want it.
Well i gues ill make it with all the stuff i can fit.

lol your posting this on new years eve…i don’t think many people are on the computer at this time only the :elderly: and :nerd: are at home and the :elderly: are probably sleeping so don’t expect an answer from them :elderly:

give it a few days…you will get your response

just tell us how to do a site like this!!


and we will all love ya!!


I saw this idea on a site (only .swf) and this seems very useful to learn: a Pacman game! because:

1.You learn how to move using keys.
2.You learn how to make a score table.
3.You learn how to do it that Pacman doesnt walk through walls.
4.You (might) learn how to make a preloader

just an idea!

P.S. Please reply to thread “Flash Movie” i really need help!

Well i dont tink im going to add the biggest game type tutorials.
Pac man would take up alot.
Im breaking alot of it down.In pieces.

Well the first 3 tutorials ill post on the Tutorial section and the FlashMX section

I am almost done the 2nd

Playamarz is making game tutorials, as far as I know.

And im making mine to see how much code i really do know…

cool. I found that making tutorials is a really good way to help yourself learn something. Going thru step by step and expaining everything helps me make sense of the things that were fuzzy. I have about 4 tutorials on the way.

I would like to put on kirupa but i have no images and thats what kirupa likes.
I have explained two tutorials very well.
And i think ill post them on here very soon.
I am not sure what i should do for the third tutorial.
Any suggestions.

I would like to put on kirupa but i have no images and thats what kirupa likes.
I have explained two tutorials very well.
And i think ill post them on here very soon.
I am not sure what i should do for the third tutorial.
Any suggestions.

Im goanna post it with only two tutorials to see what you guys think of them…So far…