I attached the fla for the main movie and the first three of the photos (which happen to be swf’s that I am loading onto the main movie).
My question: Why does the “root” movie “show through” briefly when each new movie is being loaded over it? Obviously, this doesnt look good. I have asked this question before but to no avail…I am sure this must be something simple…I should apologize for such a dumb question…
Well, the downloading of your file took a bit too long (lot’s of traffic I guess). But I think something like this:
In the mainmovie: make a movieclip (name: backgroundsquare) with in there: a square the with the same size and position of your photo-swf’s and the same colour as your background.
place it on top of all other layers…
In frame 1 of the mainmovie you put:
_root.backgroundsquare._visible = false;
Everytime you hit a new ‘thumbnail’ you execute this code:
on (release){
_root.backgroundsquare._visible = true;
and in each photo-swf on the last frame:
_root.backgroundsquare._visible = false;
There a much more elegant ways of dealing with this. But I couldn’t think of anything else.
I haven’t seen your FLA, so this could perfectly well make absolutely no sense.
And also: use a preloader for the jpg’s.
Maybe you shouldn’t use a new swf for each photo. Just load the jpg’s…