Tween error

So what I want is a picture that slides out to the right when I click on the grey frame.
Now it does go right but not with the desired easing. I can´t click it back as well which kind of frustrating. :-/

I´ve checked the linkage with the fla file and it´s fine. Same with the fla itself so there has to be a problem with the code somewhere. I think there´s some problem with the handler like the tween motion just quit and jump to the end.

I appriciate your help / Criz

import se.criz.effects.Popout;
var popout:Popout = new Popout(slice);
package se.criz.effects {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; 
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    public class Popout {
        private var _clip:MovieClip;
        private var _startX:Number;
        private var _endX:Number;
        private var _easing:Function = Regular.easeInOut;
        private var _duration:Number = 25;
        private var twX:Tween;
        public function Popout(clip:MovieClip) {
                _clip = clip;
                _startX = _clip.x;
                _endX = _clip.x;
                _clip.buttonMode = true;
                _clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, popoutMe);
        private function initClip() {
            _clip.x = _startX;
        private function popoutMe(event:MouseEvent):void {
               _clip.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, popoutMe);
            twX = new Tween(_clip, "x", _easing, _startX, _endX, _duration, true);
            function finishHandler(event:TweenEvent) {
                twX.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, finishHandler);
                _clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, popinMe);
        function popinMe(event:MouseEvent):void {
            _clip.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, popinMe);
            twX = new Tween(_clip, "x", _easing, _endX, _startX, _duration, true);
            function finishHandler(event:TweenEvent) {
                   twX.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, finishHandler);
                _clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, popoutMe);
        public function set startX(theValue:Number) {
            _startX = theValue;