Hi all!
Im having big problems with tweening in as3. I have some external swf files thats loaded in to my main swf. In these external swf im using caurina tweens and they work fine by them self but when they are loaded into my main swf i can only play them once and after the tween is done the imported movie locks up (links etc doesnt work any more) or it doesnt work at all…
an example can be found here: http://www.jonwalstedt.se/flash/3d
the first one is an mc in the main movie and that is how i would like it to work when imported. The second two movies (at ‘blog’ and ‘bilder’) are imported and does not work. the after starting the tween on the movie at ‘bilder’ (with the left button) the move locks up. the button to the right are supposed to turn visibility of on the first button but… well it all stops working after the tween starts… and all three of the movies works fine on there own.
do i need to do lock root or something? doesnt seems to work in as3 though
Please help!!