then fall over!
FYI, the “… and die!” is not mine
then fall over!
FYI, the “… and die!” is not mine
Phil, where art thou…???
I just :love: that joke, it deserves a :trout: by a :pirate:!
ah well… so much for humor :bookmarks thread:
heres one… (though obscured through type - best if said outloud since it revolves around a play on words)
two nuns in the bathtub together. One says to the other, “Where’s the soap?” The other replies, “Mmm… yes it does, doesn’t it.”
Don’t get it
*Originally posted by Soul *
**Don’t get it
try replacing Where’s with wears
wear as in to erode
You either have to be hella creative or have a very intellectual way of solving things.
What ever floats your boat!
:run: << pac man on coke
sweet, you must be the new smiley-o-maker master :cowboy:
*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**sweet, you must be the new smiley-o-maker master**
thats why he has title “#1.000001 smiley man”
i think i get the nun in bathtub joke…altho when you mentioned wheres the soap it reminded me of dropped soap and i thought you were going somewhere tottaly different…
yeah Im not #1, thats eilsoe, So Im #1.000001 :beam:
what comes in pints?
Ans: an elephant.
yes, very clever [Legoman]
I get both of them. But then I do have a mind that wallows in the gutter.
BTW, nice new avatar Dan. Very funky.
that makes 300000 of us Phil
Nice to see you back again!!
ok heres the deal
2 nuns in the bathtub. One doesnt know where the soap is… gee, “Wheres the soap?” So she asks the other nun who is also in the bathtub. This other nun (nun2) doesnt seem to think the soap is missing. She doesnt reply with “I dont know”, instead she says “Yes, it does, doesnt it”. As to imply she DOES know where the soap is. But her reply also indicates that she inflected what the nun1 said to mean something else. Heres were you have to think a little. “Wheres the soap?” “Yes, it does, doesnt it.” So what is she thinking? “Yes it does…” does implies an action. So what action can be derived from “Wheres the soap?” Wheres… as wears. She heard “Wears the soap” as in “Erodes the soap”… or more specifically “It erodes the soap, doesnt it?” Now, combining this with the fact that nun2 seems to know where the soap is (and nun1 doesnt see it anywhere), and that these are very sexually repressed nuns, that leads us to conclude that nun2 is eroding the soap in a … well can you work it out from here?
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