700th post!

wow im moving up in the spammer world. Thanks goes out to everyone who has helped answer all of my questions. yadda yadda yadda :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, Im still working on 200 :slight_smile: I dont think Ive helped one person on these forums, ever rofl… Shows my knowledge :stuck_out_tongue: Oh well… big 200 here I come!

Alex, your questions are the scariest and most difficult to answer!! I’m sure you know why…ahhaha =)


Umm… What’s up with all these ###'s posts… I’m not even going to celebrate until I hit 1000… That’s a significant number… :slight_smile:

1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000

why not?=)

Ill celebrate when I hit 500 :stuck_out_tongue: But by when that day comes around Ill be all dead and crusty in the bottom of a grave :frowning:

bring a lap top and a couple of batteries. haha:geek:

phil, i have helped alot of people out here.:beam:

*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Umm… What’s up with all these ###'s posts… I’m not even going to celebrate until I hit 1000… That’s a significant number… :slight_smile:

1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000 **

Marlin, don’t you know about the new tradition here? Everyone celebrates every 10th posts. :beam:

why not. thats how i think of it.:beam:

lmao… Let’s see… if I celebrated every 10th post…

I’d be posting alot more posts to celebrate my current post marks… Therefore I’d be averaging about a new 10th post celebration at least 20 times a day… lmao

excellent…said like Mr. Burns Playa is learning :wink:

OMG sorry for posting this spam thread here, but Im watching MTV right now, and just saw a band called t.A.T.u… Now, this coming from a kid thats 17, bald, has chin rings like the guy from the band Disturbed, and has chains and wears black… and… I actually liked their song DOH Thats not good for me :frowning: Im turning… :trout: