
after i was able to recover the corrupted file, this is what i ended up with. i’m really happy with this (except the mouth, i’ll use vertex paint if i feel like changing.) i actually learned a lot… what do you think? here is someone’s wallpaper that has something related to this:[URL=“…rivbord4la.png”]. thanks to the original creator for the idea. :slight_smile:

I like his shoes… or feet? Anyway, I know you’ve been asking a lot of 3D questions lately - so I say good for you! This is not bad considering how new you are to 3DS.

:beam: thanks. yeah i’m new to 3ds, but actually not new to 3d, i’ve worked with trueSpace before. but i like 3ds max much better, it has way many new and cool features. :slight_smile:

nice kdd:)
but the shadow seems pretty strange…

Maybe you could put some work into how the arms legs and head are connected to the body. I’d also try a headshape other than a sphere.

Maybe he’d be happy then :wink:

yeah, the shadow is a little strange.
thanks mikken. well, i could use the same procedure i used to connect feet to legs to now connect arms and legs to the body. :slight_smile:

thanks guys.

Try and use a skylight in there. All you need do is turn on the skylight’s shadows and instantly your lighting will look much more defined and believable…slow renders tho. Model isn’t bad, head looks a bit lop sided compared to his body :stuck_out_tongue:

oh man, skylight is very very slow… i had been rendering for more than 5 mins, and it just rendered the head. :frowning: it’s ok, but yes, it does look better. :slight_smile:

You might need to look at turning some edges to get rid of the lines on the eyes and make it look smoother. Apart from that, good work.

Defo agree with 'sond in that a skylight would make it look much better. Stick with it, the results will be worth it.