the title says it all
critique is welcome. i know there are no shadows, and lighting is probably bad, but i couldn’t help. i, again, almost lost my file…
this time, i was mainly playing around with texturing… which was pain, imo.
Looks pretty good. What program did you use?
whoa, so many views, but no comments? come on people…
thanks, Crit. i used 3ds max.
Well its better than I could ever do… since I don’t do any 3d work, heh.
Looks good to me except that little part at the top of the table where the shadow doesnt seem to match the rest of the section.
ah yes, thanks…
^ Nice spam
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Looks good but does need work. BTW…what is it? :lol:
Make the vase thicker its only faces eh?
Build it up on the lather editor- or what ever it is called in max!