Unreal Kirupians?

What, the offer?

I’m not so sure, I’ll have to go home and oh wait, I only brought the 2004 discs…

I pounced right on 2004 as it came out and chopped up my 2003 manual the same day (mailed next).

I just bought it in the store… I didnt even know about the offer. I want the DVD version now though. I mean, Ill probably never need to install it again, but just knowing that I have like 5 disks to lose to make that not possible to install again (losing any one)… just makes me uneasy :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, don’t bother with the DVD version. Why?

Here’s what the structure looks like:

[list][Disc 1][][Disc 2][][Disc 3][][Disc 4][][Disc 5][][Disc 6][]autorun.inf[*]setup.exe[/list]

Do you have to have a PC or will the game run on a PS2, Xbox or Gamecube? I have a crappy PC at home that won’t even run Halo and a Mac, and I know it probably isn’t made for the Mac.

Halo barely runs on my PC (the port has issues of its own). UT2004 runs flawlessly.

If you really want to know how your performance is on your box, download the demo and try it out.

ok, looks like Ill just make my own DVD then :stuck_out_tongue:

Just for the information, I emailed the Benelux Atari Support and I’m hoping to get some feedback from them. Although it’s probably already expired. Heck, I’ll buy it anyway, so…

Im on for an hour or two almost every night. Usually play DC. Thunder Muffin is the name, Im an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. … and I like muffins.

… **** you are =) 700th or so player in the US for DC… that’s jolly good… Unfortunately you’re 100% DC im 100% BF…

you are 700th or so player

In case anyone cares, I was once rank 309 on the ut stats page (original ut) .
though only for one week, then I decided to get a life again :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL :lol:
I’ve been trying to track my stats for UT2K3, but there are hardly any servers anymore that have trackstats enabled, and if they do, it’s jolly hard to get a good score there coz they’re filled with guys who decided to keep playing like you did that week :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, thanks. I made it as high as 280 some time ago but quit playing for a couple months and lost all my experience rank points. It was that stats site that made me quit in the first place. I couldnt play without thinking about stats and would go into a rage every time someone killed me! Im a much calmer player now that I dont pay any attention to stats… until I saw that link just now… :sigh:

I read ya. I was into stats a while as well, when I first tried to get them to work… It kinda sucked the fun out of the game, coz you got mad everytime you got fragged or you lost the flag or whatever…

Heh, thanks. I made it as high as 280 some time ago but quit playing for a couple months and lost all my experience rank points. It was that stats site that made me quit in the first place. I couldnt play without thinking about stats and would go into a rage every time someone killed me! Im a much calmer player now that I dont pay any attention to stats… until I saw that link just now…

Yeah same thing i was 320th or so for BFStats seven months ago - back then not as many people played DC and BFStat was way better than BFTrack (in terms of gathering stats)… Now, it’s dead. And I stopped wasting my life on that game…