Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo

I got this demo just last night and I love it. It runs so nicely on my computer, and to think, 2003 ran much worse.

If you guys haven’t picked this one up, I highly recommend it.

If UT2k4’s bot AI is as good as last year’s I’m definitely going to be happy

It’s an awesome game I am totally getting it when it comes out. Me and 5 other people are going to make a mod for it. It’s going to be awesome.

i got the demo and it truly should have been an expansion, but it does run alot better, even though 2k3 run well too

It’s out for Linux too :wink:

Well I’m going to try it too. So I can find out myself cuz you guys say opposite things ;).

Greetz, ScHAmPi.