Unreal Tournament 2004

OKie smokie! I am deciding if I should get Unreal 2004. So many people say its rockin’. I believe them but a nice confirmation from here would be nice. Is it really an awesome game. EGM has an advertisement and it got mostly 9’s and 10’s out of 10. Is it all just capture the flag or is it like Quake with different modes of gameplay. The bottom line: is it worth 34.99 on amazon.com?

-duck :cap:

I’m a huge fan of the UT series, and I mainly play UT2k3 (I rock at it, yeah, I do :gm: ), but I’ve only DL’ed the demo of UT2k4 and I don’t know if I’m going to buy the full version.

As for your question about CTF, of course that’s not the only gamemode, you’ve also got Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Bombing Run, Assault (<cool), etc… at least if that was what your question was about :slight_smile:

Just the assault-mode made buying the game worth it for me. IMNSHO you should definitely buy it if you’re into 3D-shooters.

It’s a really good game both single and multiplayer. It’s the game UT2003 should have been. The game types are all awesome mixing some classics like CTF and Deathmatch with some new and very interesting ones. The modding community seems to support it quite heavily already so you can find some great mods for it already as well. (see Alien Swarm) I bought it as soon as it came out and I haven’t regretted it one bit.

One word of negativity though, make sure you have a LARGE amount of space on your hardrive. It takes up almost 5 1/2 Gigs on my drive.

oh and if you’re a ut99 nostalgist you’re in for a treat, too - the assault mode is back, better than ever :smiley: