Urgent Help needed with Flash Ticker Component!

Can someone please help me!

I have downloaded the flash ticker component and i wish to do the following:

  1. Have the component link to an external file (xml preferably).
  2. Each line of text that is grabbed from the external file and shown in the ticker window to be individual clickable hyperlinks. (Each line to go to a different url)
  3. The text to scroll automatically from bottom to top without the user to click the up / down arrows.

Is this possible? I f so can somebody please help, as i have been after this solution for seems to be ages! :slight_smile:

I ask the flash comunity for help!

PS. Im a bit of an actionscript newbie so please explain clearly what i will have to do!




*Originally posted by freeeky *
**1. Have the component link to an external file (xml preferably).

  1. Each line of text that is grabbed from the external file and shown in the ticker window to be individual clickable hyperlinks. (Each line to go to a different url)
  2. The text to scroll automatically from bottom to top without the user to click the up / down arrows.**
  3. Check the component
  4. Check the component
  5. Is it really necessary?

pom :elderly:

*Originally posted by freeeky *
**bump! **

Funny, I cant even get that flash news ticker to work like its supposed to scrolling from right to left. I tried to implement it into my movie cause my current news ticker has a bad font and is too spread out.

Think it might be because i have a dynamic text document in that movie already. Only thing i can think of is to create a seperate swf for it. Hmmm

Found this:


It is almost what i want but…

I dont want to have to click a get url button to take me to a link, I just want to be able to click on the scrolling text and then it to take me direct to another page, or open up another window.

Can someone help???


is this impossible?

could anyone make me an example fla to show this??

I would really appreciate it.


It seems that the ticker in the tute does it already :beam: