Sorry about labelling this post “urgent”, but Im just about to place an order on a Wacom drawingtablett (specifically the Grapphire 3 Classic model), and I realized Ive still got some unanswered questions about it.
Can I use it with Flash? Im not sure how the pen works - does it only work with some specific programs that supports it, or does it work more or less like a mouse in any environment of the OS (win xp)?
works w/ everything except some games. it’s all I use. yes… just it’s just like a mouse
Ok, thanks a lot, simplistik
Feel comfortable buying it now.
Btw, do you feel the drawingarea is a bit small at times (that is, if you have the grapphire 3 classic NON xl)?
Actually I have 3 Intuous’s the 4x5, 6x8 and the 12x18… and I actually find that the 12x18 is very uncomfortable… the 4x5 and the 6x8 both IMO have a really comfortable drawing area.
I own a Graphire3 4x5 and I find the area drawing area to be pretty comfortable. Though I would imagine a 6x8 would be more comfortable, I don’t see the few extra inches as being worth an extra $100 USD.
Oh, ok. I guess it depends on what kind of drawer you are - some people like to just use the wrist and small movements, and others like large pencil-strokes. Luckily for my wallet, I qualify with the former group