Well we have all read about the recent “Site Ripper” (Thread), But now I want to direct it towards: URL Rippers.
A close friend of mine (Darkmotion) recently had his domain name copied by another person, I thought to myself just how bad it would feel to be him and have his own domain name copied, the domain copy is below:
CENTER www.darkmotion.com
(Copy - Site is currently down) www.darkmotion.nl
[LEFT]Well I thought maybe this was a one of thing, however after browsing another thread on Kirupa Forums I noticed that someone has gone to the low standards of copying the domain Flash Kit.
CENTER www.flashkit.com
(Copy) www.flashkit.com.cn
[LEFT]Honestly how low can people get? Is it really that hard to set up your own website with your own unique domain name? You feel intimidated by other larger sites that fall in the same category of the site you want to create?
If theres anyone else out there thinking of buying a domain, in all honesty please think of your own unique name, dont copy others! :kommie::asleep: