Use imported JPEG data

I have created two fla files and imported jpegs into each. when I go into the library and view the properties of the images in each fla file they give me different options for export. One of the fla files gives me a “Use imported JPEG data” checkbox and the other one gives me a “Use document default quality” checkbox. I like the use imported JPEG data option better. Why are they different??? (driving me nuts :slight_smile:

“Use imported JPEG data” leaves it as it is

“Use document default quality” will use the settings you set on a global level for all jpgs in the fla’s export settings

3rd option is to set an individual compression for each, so some are better quality, others where that’s not needed better size (more compression)…

eyezberg: I understand all that except those first two options never show up at the same time. It is always one or the other and I only want to use the imported jpeg data. Please re-read my original post. Thanks for your reply.