"users browsing this forum"

Kirupa same here…well i guess we are just SO cool that we get alphabetical!

and my alphabet goest 123 thats me!


no wait, I thought I was always last?

[sigh] I just don’t get it… shakes his head in confusion

wait just one second…i thought it was users browsing this BOARD! hahahaha. checks to see if i am still right

EDIT: I am last!

yes, you’re always last… cause you’re always the last one to get to the board when the page loads… makes sense?

yeah that does…

oh boy…my head hurts now. :hangover:

not any more::
(Users Browsing this Forum: Phil Jayhan, !*@&, Cheez00, golgi, RelandR)

somebody’s been hacking around the AI…phil…(???)

haha… I was right… cool.

yeah it really does werk lava, i have been keeping my eye on it…

Users Browsing this Forum: Soulty, mlkdesign, Lynx

I think there’s something about post count :-
eh, and they say that post count makes no sense :stuck_out_tongue: lol

maybe…but you are always last that is for sure, and the rest is either post count or page arrival…